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Department of Computer Science



  • Hall M. N., Barford P., Foerster K.-T., and Durairajan R.:
    Improving Scalability in Traffic Engineering via Optical Topology Programming
    IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), to appear in 2024



  • van den Akker E., Buchin K., and Foerster K.-T.:
    Brief Announcement: Multi-Agent Online Graph Exploration on Cycles and Tadpole Graphs
    31st International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2024)
  • Bause F., Blume A., Buchholz P., Puzicha A. and Timmermann A.:
    Adaption of Stochastic Models (ASMo) - A Tool for Input Modeling -.
    In: Hillston, J., Soudjani, S., Waga, M. (eds)
    Quantitative Evaluation of Systems and Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems.
    QEST+FORMATS 2024.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14996. Springer, Cham.     (Artifact of Software)
  • Dai W., Dinitz M., Foerster K.-T., Luo L., and Schmid S.:
    Approximation Algorithms for Minimizing Congestion in Demand-Aware Networks
    44th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2024)
  • Kang R., Zhou M., and Foerster K.-T.:
    Blockchain-Based Implementation of Service Function Chains in Multicloud and Multitenant Environments Over Containerized Networks
    6th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2024)


  • Buchholz P., and Dohndorf I.:
    Optimal decisions in stochastic graphs with uncorrelated and correlated edge weights. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 150, February 2023, 106085.
  • Dai W., Foerster K.-T., Fuchssteiner D., and Schmid S.:
    Load-Optimization in Reconfigurable Data-Center Networks: Algorithms and Complexity of Flow Routing. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems. May 2023.



  • Buchholz P.,  Mészáros A., and Telek M.:
    Analysis of a Two-State Markov Fluid Model with 2 Buffers. (EPEW 2023): 49-64

  • Dai W., Foerster K.-T., and Schmid S.:
    A Tight Characterization of Fast Failover Routing: Resiliency to Two Link Failures is Possible. 35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2023)
  • Foerster K.-T., Marette T., Neumann S., Plant C., Sadikaj Y., Schmid S., and Velaj Y.:
    Analyzing the Communication Clusters in Datacenters. WWW '23: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023
  • Schmidt H., Rejiba Z., Eidenbenz R., and Foerster K.-T.:
    Transparent Fault Tolerance for Stateful Applications in Kubernetes with Checkpoint/Restore.
    42th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2023)


Other Publications

  • Althoff S., Maassen F., Weiler M., Shukla A., and Foerster K.-T.:
    Towards Local Shortcutting of Fast Failover Routes. ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop (CoNEXT SW 2023)

  • Bruegge M., Mueller J., Patri S. K., Jansen S., Zou J., Althoff S., and Foerster K.-T.:
    Live Demonstration of ML-based PON Characterization and Monitoring. Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, March 2023.




  • Buchholz P., Dohndorf I.:
    Optimal decisions in stochastic graphs with uncorrelated and correlated edge weights. Computers & Operations Research. Volume 150, February 2023, 106085.
  • Foerster K.-T., Kamisiński A., Pignolet Y.-A., Schmid S. and Tredan G.:
    Improved Fast Rerouting Using Postprocessing. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 537-550, 2022.
  • Luo L., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S. and Yu H.:
    Optimizing Multicast Flows in High-Bandwidth Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 203, 103399, 2022.
  • Zabka Ph., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S., and Decker Ch.:
    Empirical evaluation of nodes and channels of the lightning network. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 83, 101584, 2022.



  • Buchholz P.:
    Surrogate Models for Markov Reward Models with Uncertain Parameters. 30th International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2022).
  • Buchholz P., Blume A.:
    Dynamic Fault Trees with Correlated Failure Times - Modeling and Efficient Analysis. 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2022).
  • Dai W., Dinitz M., Foerster K.-T. and Schmid S.:
    Brief Announcement: Minimizing Congestion in Hybrid Demand-Aware Network Topologies. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), 2022.
  • Foerster K.-T., Hirvonen J., Pignolet Y.-A., Schmid S. and Tredan G.:
    On the Price of Locality in Static Fast Rerouting. In: Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2022.
  • Nisslmueller U., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S. and Decker Ch.
    Inferring Sensitive Information in Cryptocurrency Off-chain Networks using Probing and Timing Attacks. In: Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1545. Springer, Cham, 2022.
  • Puzicha A., Buchholz P.:
    Dynamic Mission Control for Decentralized Mobile Robot Swarms. IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2022).
  • Schiff N. R., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S., and Hay D.:
    Chopin: Combining Distributed and Centralized Schedulers for Self-Adjusting Datacenter Networks. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), 2022.
  • Zabka Ph., Foerster K.-T., Decker Ch. and Schmid S.:
    Short Paper: A Centrality Analysis of the Lightning Network. In: Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 13411, 2022.


  • Buchholz P., Dohndorf I.:
    A multi-objective approach for PH-graphs with applications to stochastic shortest paths.
    In: Math. Methods Oper. Res. 93(1): 153-178 (2021).

  • Pacut M., Dai W., Labbe A., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S.:
    Improved scalability of demand-aware datacenter topologies with minimal route lengths and congestion.
    In: Perform. Evaluation 152: 102238, 2021.


  • Zhou Z., He M., Kellerer W., Blenk A., Foerster K.-T.:
    P4Update: fast and locally verifiable consistent network updates in the P4 data plane.
    In: ACM CoNEXT 2021: 175-190.
  • Parham M., Fenz T., Süss N., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S.:
    Traffic engineering with joint link weight and segment optimization.
    In: ACM CoNEXT 2021: 313-327.
  • Shukla A., Foerster K.-T.:
    Shortcutting Fast Failover Routes in the Data Plane.
    In: ACM/IEEE ANCS 2021.
  • Fenz T., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S.:
    On Efficient Oblivious Wavelength Assignments for Programmable Wide-Area Topologies.
    In: ACM/IEEE ANCS 2021.
  • Schweiger O., Foerster K.-T., Schmid S.:
    Improving the Resilience of Fast Failover Routing: TREE (Tree Routing to Extend Edge disjoint paths).
    In: ACM/IEEE ANCS 2021.
  • Puzicha A., Buchholz P.:
    A Si­mu­la­tion Environment for Autonomous Robot Swarms with Limited Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Skills. In: Houbing Song und Dingde Jiang (Hg.): Si­mu­la­tion Tools and Techniques. Cham, 2021. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 206–226. Online verfügbar unter
  • Puzicha A., Buchholz P.:
    Decentralized model predictive control for autonomous robot swarms with restricted com­mu­ni­cation skills in unknown environments. In: Procedia Com­pu­ter Science 186, S. 555–562.
  • Mäckel D., Winkels J., Schumacher, C.:
    Synthesis of Scheduling Heuristics by Composition and Recombination.
    In: Bernabé Dorronsoro, Lionel Amodeo, Mario Pavone und Patricia Ruiz (Hg.): Optimization and Learn­ing. Cham, 2021. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 283–293.

Other Publications

  • Buchholz P.:
    On the Representation of Correlated Exponential Distributions by Phase Type Distributions.
    CoRR abs/2108.12223 (2021)
  • Puzicha A.:
    Control of decentralized systems under uncertainty.
    Dagstuhl 2021 - Joint Meeting of the German RTGs in Com­pu­ter Science 2021,



Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions




  • Bock F., Siegl S., Bazan P., Buchholz P., German R.:
    Reliability and test effort analysis of multi-sensor driver assistance systems.
    Journal of Sys­tems Architecture - Embedded Sys­tems Design 85-86: 1-13 (2018)
  • Buchholz P., Vastag S.:
    Toward an analytical method for SLA validation.   
    Soft­ware and System Modeling 17(2): 527-545 (2018).
  • Buchholz P., Scheftelowitsch D.:
    Computation of weighted sums of rewards for concurrent MDPs
    Math Meth Oper Res (2018).
  • Krumm H, Reiss N, Burkert M, Schmidt T, Biehs S, Bohr C, Gürtler F, Horn H, Kreutzer P, Mewes P, Miller H, Riest C, Römer C, Seebold A, Sprung G, Ziegler O:
    Development of a Com­pu­ter-Aided Dosage and Telemonitoring System for Patients Under Oral Anticoagulation Therapy
    Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;248:188-195.


  • Bause F., Buchholz P.:
    SLA Tool.
    In: German R., Hielscher KS., Krieger U. (eds) Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems. MMB 2018. Lecture Notes in Com­pu­ter Science, vol 10740. Springer, Cham
  • Buchholz P., Dayar T.:
    Efficient transient analysis of a class of compositional Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets.
    DSN 2018: 291-302.
  • Buchholz P., Dohndorf I., Scheftelowitsch D.:
    Time-Based Maintenance Models Under Uncertainty.
    In: German R., Hielscher KS., Krieger U. (eds) Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems. MMB 2018. Lecture Notes in Com­pu­ter Science, vol 10740. Springer, Cham
  • Müller D., Schumacher C., Zeidler F.:
    Intelligent Adaption Process in Cyber-Physical Production Sys­tems
    In T. Margaria and B. Steffen (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Part III, 2018, pp. 411–428.
  • Schumacher, C.:
    Combining Forecasting, Si­mu­la­tion and Heuristics for Scheduling in Factories
    In: Ahmet Aker, Benjamin Cabrera, Tobias Hecking, Jakob Rehof, David Scholz, Sevda Tarkun und Jan Winkels (Hg.): Proceedings of the 12th Joint Work­shop of the German Research Train­ing Groups in Com­pu­ter Science. Dagstuhl,
    May 27 – 30, 2018, S. 123.

  • Scheftelowitsch D.:
    Collider – Parallel Ex­pe­ri­ments in Silico.
    In: German R., Hielscher KS., Krieger U. (eds) Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems. MMB 2018. Lecture Notes in Com­pu­ter Science, vol 10740. Springer, Cham

Dissertationen – Dissertations

  • Dimitri Scheftelowitsch:
    Markov decision processes with uncertain parameters
    Dissertation, Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, Fa­kul­tät für In­for­ma­tik, Dort­mund, 2018.


  • Peter Buchholz, Iryna Dohndorf, Dimitri Scheftelowitsch:
    Optimal Decisions for Continuous Time Markov Decision Pro­cess­es over
    Finite Planning Horizons

    Computers & Operations Research 77, 267-278, 2017

  • Peter Buchholz, Jan Kriege:
    Fitting Correlated Arrival and Service Times and Related Queueing Per­for­mance
    Queueing Sys­tems 85 (3-4), 337-359, 2017

  • Peter Buchholz, Tugrul Dayar, Jan Kriege, M. Can Orhan:
    On compact solution vectors in Kronecker-based Markovian analysis
    Perform. Eval. 115: 132-149, 2017

  • Uwe Clausen, Daniel Diekmann, Moritz Pöting, Christin Schumacher:
    Operating parcel transshipment terminals: a combined simulation and optimization approach
    Journal of Si­mu­la­tion, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 2-10, 2017

  • Tim Delbrügger, Frederik Döbbeler, Julian Graefenstein, Hendrik Lager, Lisa T. Lenz, Matthias Meißner, Daniel Müller, Philipp Regelmann, David Scholz, Christin Schumacher, Jan Winkels, An­dre­as Wirtz, Felix Zeidler:
    An­passungs­in­telli­genz von Fa­bri­ken im dy­na­misch­en und kom­ple­xen Umfeld
    ZWF Zeitschrift für wirt­schaft­li­chen Fabrikbetrieb, Volume 112, Issue 6, pp. 364-368, 2017

  • An­dre­as Hoffjan, Christin Schumacher, Ivan Galant:
    Controlling, Volume 29, Special Issue 1, pp. 31-34, 2017


  • Falko Bause, Peter Buchholz, Johannes May:
    A Tool Supporting the Analytical Evaluation of Service Level Agreements
    Proc. of the 8th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Per­for­mance Engineering (ICPE 2017), L'Aquila (Italy), 22.-26. April 2017. pp. 233-244

  • Christin Schumacher, Moritz Pöting, Jonas Rau, Christian Tesch:
    Combining DES with metaheuristics to improve scheduling and workloads in parcel transshipment terminals
    Proceeding MIC/MAEB, July 4-7, 2017, Barcelona, pp. 720-729

  • Falko Bause, Peter Buchholz, Igor V. Tarasyuk, Miklós Telek:
    Equivalence and Lumpability of FSPNs
    Proc. of the 24th International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2017), Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, 10-12 July 2017, pp. 16-31

  • Peter Buchholz, Iryna Dohndorf, Alexander Frank, Dimitri Scheftelowitsch:
    Bounded Aggregation For Continuous Time Markov Decision Pro­cess­es
    In P. Reinecke, A. Di Marco (Eds.) Com­pu­ter Per­for­mance Engineering - 14th European Work­shop (EPEW'17), Springer LNCS 10497, 2017, pp. 3-18

  • Peter Buchholz, Iryna Dohndorf, Dimitri Scheftelowitsch:
    Analysis of Markov Decision Pro­cess­es under Parameter Uncertainty
    In P. Reinecke, A. Di Marco (Eds.) Com­pu­ter Per­for­mance Engineering - 14th European Work­shop (EPEW'17), Springer LNCS 10497, 2017, pp. 19-32

  • Moritz Pöting, Christin Schumacher, Jonas Rau, Uwe Clausen:
    A combined simulation optimization frame­work to improve operations in parcel logistics
    Proc. of the Winter Si­mu­la­tion Conference 2017, December 3-6, Las Vegas, Accepted

  • Jan Kriege:
    Markovian Modeling of Wireless Trace Data
    Proc. of the 11th EAI International Conference on Per­for­mance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (ValueTools), 2017.

Dissertationen – Dissertations

  • Iryna Dohndorf:
    Stochastic Graph Models with Phase Type Distributed Edge Weights
    Dissertation, Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, Fa­kul­tät für In­for­ma­tik, Dort­mund, 2017


  • Peter Buchholz, Iryna Felko, Jan Kriege, Gerhard Rinkenauer:
    Modeling Human Decisions in Per­for­mance and Dependability Models
    Proc. of the 13th European Work­shop on Per­for­mance Engineering (EPEW 2016), Springer, 2016.

  • Peter Buchholz, Tugrul Dayar, Jan Kriege, M. Can Orhan:
    Compact Representation of Solution Vectors in Kronecker-based Markovian Analysis
    Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2016), Springer, 2016

  • Jan Kriege, Peter Buchholz:
    Traffic Modeling with Phase-Type Distributions and VARMA Pro­cess­es
    Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2016), Springer, 2016

  • Jan Kriege:
    Combining Mobility Models with Arrival Pro­cess­es
    Proc. of the 18th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance (MMB & DFT 2016), Springer, 2016

  • Malte Burkert, Jörn Esdohr, Heiko Krumm:
    A small-scale model house evaluation platform for building automation systems
    2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Berlin, 2016, pp. 1-8.

  • Malte Burkert, Heiko Krumm:
    Dependency Management in Component-Based Building Automation Sys­tems
    2016 IEEE 14th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 14th Intl Conf on Pervasive In­tel­li­gence and Computing, 2nd Intl Conf on Big Data In­tel­li­gence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech), Auckland, 2016, pp. 352-359.


  • Peter Buchholz, Iryna Felko:
    PH-Graphs for Analyzing Shortest Path Problems with Correlated Traveling Times
    Computers & Operations Research 59, 2015, 51-65.


  • Peter Buchholz, Jan Kriege, Dimitri Scheftelowitsch:
    Equivalence and Minimization for Model Checking Labeled Markov Chains
    ValueTools, 2015

  • Malte Burkert, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe:
    Technical Management System for Dependable Building Automation Sys­tems
    Proceedings of the 9th International Work­shop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Sys­tems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE) as part of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2015), IEEE, Sept. 2015

  • Falko Bause, Jan Kriege:
    Correlated Random Number Ge­ne­ra­ti­on for Si­mu­la­tion Ex­pe­ri­ments
    Proc. of the ASIM Dedicated Conference on Si­mu­la­tion in Production and Logistics, 2015

  • Malte Burkert, Franz-Josef Stewing, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Ingo Lück:
    Networked Devices Meeting Dependability while Supporting the Medical Supervision of Cardiac Patients under Rehabilitation
    Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Sys­tems (PDeS 2015), IEEE, IFAC, 2015

  • Dimitri Scheftelowitsch:
    The Complexity of Uncertainty in Markov Decision Pro­cess­es
    SIAM CT15, 2015

  • Marco Beccuti, Elvio Gilberto Amparore, Susanna Donatelli, Dimitri Scheftelowitsch, Peter Buchholz, Giuliana Franceschinis:
    Markov Decision Petri Nets with Uncertainty
    12th Int. Workshpop EPEW 2015, Springer LNCS  9272, S. 177-192

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions



  • Elvio Amparore, Peter Buchholz, Susanna Donatelli:
    A Structured Solution Approach for Markov Regenerative Pro­cess­es
    Proc. Quantitative Evaluation of System, Springer LNCS 8657, 2014, 9-24.

  • Peter Buchholz, Jan Kriege, Dimitri Scheftelowitsch:
    Model Checking Stochastic Automata for Dependability and Per­for­mance Measures
    Proc. of the 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Sys­tems and Networks (DSN), 2014.

  • Peter Buchholz, Jan Kriege:
    Markov Modeling of Availability and Unavailability Data
    Proc. of the Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), 2014.

  • Jan Kriege, Peter Buchholz:
    PH and MAP Fitting with Aggregated Traffic Traces
    Proc. of the 17th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance (MMB & DFT 2014), Springer, 2014.

  • Israfil Akman, Henning Brümmer, Rafael Bielen, Jan-Dirk Hoffmann, Oliver Dohndorf, Stefan Tschentscher, Heiko Krumm, Egor Kudrjaschow, Anke Workowski, Detlev Willemsen:
    CordiAAL - Enhanced Motivation for Cardiological Ergometer Train­ing through Virtual Groups in Virtual Worlds
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2014), SCITEPRESS Digital Library,, 2014.
    Preliminary version (PDF)
    Further in­for­mation can be found in (in German):
    Susanne Riese: Reif für die Insel – Herzsport im grünen Be­reich,
    in: MUNDO, TU Dort­mund, Dort­mund, 19/13, 2013; Seite 13-15.
    Dissertationen – Dissertations

  • Se­bas­ti­an Vastag:
    SLA Calculus
    Dissertation, Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, Fa­kul­tät für In­for­ma­tik, Dort­mund, 2014


  • P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    On Minimal Representation of Rational Arrival Pro­cess­es.
    Annals of Operations Research 202 (1), 2013, 35-58..

  • P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    Rational Automata Networks - A Non-Markovian Modeling Approach -
    INFORMS Journal on Computing 25 (1), 2013, 87-101.

  • P. Buchholz:
    Numerical Analysis of Rational Pro­cess­es - Beyond Markov Chains -
    Per­for­mance Evaluation 70 (9) , 2013, 646-662.


  • Jan Kriege:
    Modellierung korrelierter Eingabedaten für Si­mu­la­ti­o­nen
    Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2012, GI Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2013.

  • P. Buchholz, I. Felko, J. Kriege:
    Trans­for­ma­tion of Acyclic Phase Type Distributions for Correlation Fitting.
    20th International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (AMSTA), Springer LNCS 7984, 2013, 96-111.


  • P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    On Minimal Representation of Rational Arrival Pro­cess­es.
    Annals of Operations Research (Abstract in  Proc. MCQR'2010).

  • P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    Rational Pro­cess­es Related to Communicating Markov Pro­cess­es.
    Journal of Applied Probability 49 (1), 2012, pp. 40-59.

  • P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    Rational Automata Networks - A Non-Markovian Modeling Approach.
    INFORMS Journal on Computing.


  • P. Buchholz, J. Kriege:
    Traffic Modeling with a Combination of Phase-Type Distributions and ARMA Pro­cess­es.
    WSC 2012

  • P. Buchholz, J. Kriege:
    Aggregation of Markovian Models - An Alternating Least Squares Approach.
    Proc.  QEST 2012, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society

  • M. Ford, P. Buchholz, W. H. Sanders:
    State-Based Analysis in ADVISE.
    Proc.  QEST 2012, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society

  • P. Buchholz:
    Finite Horizon Analysis of Infinite CTMDPs.
    Proc. DSN 2012, IEEE Press, (Eds. R. S. Swarz, P.  Koopman and M. Cukier)

  • S. Vastag:
    A Calculus for SLA Delay properties.
    16th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance (MMB 2012)

  • O. Dohndorf, A. Göring, H. Krumm, A. Schneider, A. Sommer, S. Sladek, C. Busch, J.-D. Hoffmann, D. Willemsen:
    RehaWeb - Ein Informationssystem zur Unter­stüt­zung der kardiologischen Rehabilitation in der 3. Phase.
    In: Proc. Tech­nik für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben - 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress (AAL 2012), VDE Verlag, 2012.

  • O. Dohndorf, A. Göring, H. Krumm, A. Schneider, A. Sommer, S. Sladek, C. Busch, J.-D. Hoffmann, D. Willemsen:
    RehaWeb - An In­for­ma­ti­on System for Cardiologic Rehabilitation Assistance in the Third Phase.
    Ambient Assisted Living - 5. AAL-Kongress 2012, pp. 273-288, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, 2012

Dissertationen - Dissertations

  • Jan Kriege:
    Fitting Si­mu­la­tion Input Models for Correlated Traffic Data.
    Dissertation, Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, Fa­kul­tät für In­for­ma­tik, Dort­mund, 2012.


  • P. Buchholz, I. Schulz:
    Numerical Analysis of Continuous Time Markov Decision processes over Finite Horizons.
    Computers and Operations Research 38 (3), 2011, pp. 651-659.

  • P. Buchholz:
    Bounding Reward Measures of Markov Models using Markov Decision Pro­cess­es.
    Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications 18 (6), 2011, 919-930. (Short version in  Proc. NSMC 2010)

  • P. Buchholz, A. Horvath, M. Telek:
    Stochastic Petri Nets with low variation matrix exponentially distributed firing times.
    Int. Journal of Performability Engineering 7 (5), 2011, pp. 441-454.

  • J. Kriege, P. Buchholz.
    Correlated Phase-type distributed Random Numbers as Input Models for Simulations
    Per­for­mance Evaluation 68 (11), 2011,  1247-1260 (special issue Per­for­mance 2011)

  • Joao Porto de Albuquerque, Heiko Krumm, Paulo Licio de Geus, Rene Jeruschkat:
    Scalable Model-Based Configuration Management of Security Services in Complex Enterprise Networks.
    Soft­ware: Practice and Experience, Volume 41, Issue 3, pages 307–338, March 2011


  • P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    Composition and Equivalence of Markovian and Non-Markovian Models.
    In Proc.  8th Int. Conf. on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems, (QEST'11), IEEE 2011, 213-222.

  • P. Buchholz, E. M. Hahn, H. Hermanns, L. Zhang:
    Model Checking Algorithms for CTMDPs.
    In: Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Shaz Qadeer (Eds.): Com­pu­ter Aided Verification (CAV' 2011), Springer LNCS 6806, 2011, pp. 225-242.

  • J. Kriege, P. Buchholz:
    Simulating Stochastic Pro­cess­es with OMNeT++.
    Proc.  4th Int. OMNeT++-Work­shop.

  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing:
    Adaptive and Reliable Binding in Ambient Service Sys­tems.
    in Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2011), Work­shop Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2011), Toulouse, Frank­reich, 2011

  • Naci Dai, Jesus Bermejo, Felix Cuadrado Latasa, Alejandra Ruiz López, Isaac Agudo, Elmar Zeeb, Jan Krüger, Wolfgang Thronicke, Oliver Dohndorf, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina:
    OSAMI COMMONS - An Open Platform for Dynamic Services for Ambient In­tel­li­gence.
    in Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2011), Work­shop Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2011), Toulouse, Frank­reich, 2011

  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing:
    Tool-Supported Refinement of High-Level Requirements and Constraints into Low-Level Policies.
    in Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Sys­tems and Networks (POLICY 2011), Pisa, Italien, 2011

  • Se­bas­ti­an Vastag:
    Modeling quantitative requirements in SLAs with Network Calculus.
    In Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Per­for­mance Evaluation Methologies and Tools (ValueTools), ENS Cachan, France, May 17th-20th 2011, ICST.

  • Iryna Felko:
    Si­mu­la­tion-based deadlock avoidance and optimization in bidirectional AGVS.
    Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Si­mu­la­tion Tools and Techniques for Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Networks and Sys­tems (SIMUTools 2011), Barcelona, 2011.



  • M. Arns, P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    On the numerical Analysis of Inhomogeneous Continuous Time Markov Chains.
    INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (3), 2010, pp. 416-432.

  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, S. Vastag:
    A Si­mu­la­tion Environment for Hierarchical Process Chains based on OMNeT++.
    Si­mu­la­tion 86 (5/6), 2010, pp. 291-309.

  • P. Buchholz:
    Product Form Approximations for Communicating Markov Pro­cess­es.
    Per­for­mance Evaluation 67 (9), 2010, 797-815 (Pre-version Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on the Quantitative Evluation of Sys­tems, IEEE Press 2008, pp. 135-144 (Best paper award)).

  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Model Checking a Class of Weighted Automats.
    Discrete Event Dynamic Sys­tems 20 (1), 2010, pp. 103-137.

  • P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    Stochastic Petri Nets with Matrix Exponential Firing Times.
    Per­for­mance Evaluation 67 (12), 2010, pp. 1373-1385.

  • Joao Porto de Albuquerque, Heiko Krumm, Paulo Licio de Geus:
    Formal Validation of Automated Policy Refinement in the Management of Network Security Sys­tems.
    International Journal of In­for­ma­ti­on Security , Springer, Volume 9, Issue 2 (2010), pp. 99-125.

  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper, J. Kriege.
    Multi Class Markovian Arrival Pro­cess­es and Their Parameter Fitting.
    Per­for­mance Evaluation, Volume 67, Issue 11, 2010, pp. 1092-1106.


  • J. Kriege, P. Buchholz:
    An Empirical Comparison of MAP Fitting Algorithms.
    In: ''Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance'', Proc. of the 15th International GI/ITG Conference, MMB&DFT 2010, Essen (Germany), March 2010, Springer, LNCS 5987, pp. 259-273.

  • P. Buchholz:
    Bounding Reward Measures of Markov Models using Markov Decision Pro­cess­es (Abstract).
    In: Proc. 6th Int. Work­shop on the numerical Solution of Markov Chains (2010), pp. 13-16.

  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege:
    ProFiDo - The Process Fitting Toolkit Dort­mund.
    In: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on the Quantitative Evaluation of Sys­tems (QEST 2010), IEEE Press 2010, pp. 87-96.

  • L. Bodrog, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, M. Telek:
    Canonical Form Based MAP(2) Fitting.
    In: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on the Quantitative Evaluation of Sys­tems (QEST 2010), IEEE Press 2010, 107-116.

  • Bause, F.; Gerloff, Ph.; Kriege, J.:
    ProFiDo - A Toolkit for Fitting Input Models.
    In: ''Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Sys­tems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance'', Proc. of the 15th International GI/ITG Conference, MMB&DFT 2010, Essen (Germany), March 2010, Springer, LNCS 5987, pp. 311-314.

  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing:
    Policy-Based Management for Resource-Constrained Devices and Sys­tems.
    In: Proc. of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Sys­tems and Networks 2010 (Policy 2010), Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 2010.

  • S. Feldhorst,M. Fiedler, M. Heinemann,M. ten Hompel, H. Krumm:
    Event-based 3D-Monitoring of Material Flow Sys­tems in Real-Time.
    In: Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics 2010 (INDIN'10), Osaka, Japan, IEEE, 2010.

  • Elmar Zeeb, Guido Moritz, Wolfgang Thronicke, Myriam Lipprandt, An­dre­as Heinz, Frerk Müller, Jan Krüger, Oliver Dohndorf, Anna Litvina, Christoph Fiehe, Ingo Lück, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
    Generic Platform for Advanced E-Health Applications.
    In: Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom2010), Lyon, France, 2010

  • Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing, Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger and Heiko Krumm:
    Towards the Web of Things: Using DPWS to Bridge Isolated OSGi Platforms.
    In: Proc. of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (PerCom 2010), Work­shop Web of Things (WoT 2010), Mannheim, Deutsch­land, 2010.

  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück and Franz-Josef Stewing:
    Lightweight Policy-Based Management of Quality-Assured, Device-Based Service Sys­tems.
    In: Proc. of the IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced In­for­ma­ti­on Networking and Applications (AINA 2010), Work­shop Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2010), Perth, Australia, 2010.

  • F. Bause, G. Horvath:
    Fitting Markovian Arrival Pro­cess­es by Incorporating Correlation into Phase Type Renewal Pro­cess­es.
    In: Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Quantitative Evaluation of Sys­tems (QEST 2010), IEEE Press 2010, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, Sep­tem­ber 15-18, pp. 97-106.

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions

  • M. Arns, P. Buchholz, D. Müller:
    Op­ti­mie­rung ereignis-diskreter Simulationsmodelle im ProC/B-Toolset
    In: P. Buchholz, U. Clausen (Hrsg.): Große Netze der Logistik, Springer 2009, S. 185-213.
  • F. Bause, H. Beilner, J. Kriege:
    ProC/B: Eine Modellierungsumgebung zur prozessketten-orientierten Beschreibung und Analyse logistischer Netze
    In: P. Buchholz, U. Clausen (Hrsg.): Große Netze der Logistik, Springer 2009, S. 19-57
  • P. Buchholz, U. Clausen:
    Große Netze der Logistik
    Die Er­geb­nisse des Son­der­for­schungs­be­reichs 559, Springer, 2009.


  • M. Arns, P. Buchholz, D. Müller:
    OPEDo: A Tool for the Optimization of Per­for­mance and Dependability Models
    ACM Per­for­mance Evaluation Review, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2009, pp. 22-27.


  • P. Buchholz:
    Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Event Si­mu­la­tion Models
    Models and Algorithms for Optimization Logistics, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 09261, 2009.
  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege:
    A Comparison of Markovian Arrival and ARMA/ARTA Pro­cess­es for the Modeling of Correlated Input Pro­cess­es
    In: Proc. of Winter Si­mu­la­tion Conference 2009 (WSC 2009), Dec. 13-16, Austin (Texas, USA), 2009.
  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, S. Vastag:
    Si­mu­la­tion Based Validation of Quantitative Requirements in Service Oriented Architectures
    In: Proc. of Winter Si­mu­la­tion Conference 2009 (WSC 2009), Dec. 13-16, Austin (Texas, USA), 2009.
  • P. Buchholz, J. Kriege:
    A Heuristic Approach for Fitting MAPs to Moments and Joint Moments
    In: Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2009), IEEE Com­pu­ter Society, 2009, pp. 53-64.
  • P. Buchholz, D. Müller:
    Statistical Analysis and Comparison of Si­mu­la­tion Models of Highly Dependable Sys­tems - An Experimental Study
    In: Proc. of Winter Si­mu­la­tion Conference 2009 (WSC 2009), Dec. 13-16, Austin (Texas, USA), 2009.
  • M. Eichelberg, F.-J. Stewing, W. Thronicke, K. Hackbarth, M. Seufert, C. Busch, A. Hein, H. Krumm, M. Ditze, F. Golatowski:
    OSAMI Commons - Eine Softwareplattform für flexible verteilte Dienstesysteme über Geräten und eingebetteten Systemen
    In: Tagungsband 2. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2009, VDE, 2009.
  • S. Vastag:
    Modellvalidierung von zeitbegrenzten logistischen Prozessketten mit Interval Timed Coloured Petri Nets
    In: Proc. of INFORMATIK 2009, 2. Work­shop "Planung und Si­mu­la­tion in logistischen An­wen­dungen", Lübeck, 28.09. -02.10.2009
  • M. Lipprandt, M. Eichelberg, W. Thronicke, J. Krüger, I. Drüke, D. Willemsen, C. Busch, C. Fiehe, E. Zeeb, F. Golatowski, A. Hein:
    OSAMI-D - A Domain-Specific Soft­ware Platform for Health Care Services
    in Proc. IEEE Conf. Human System Interaction 2009 (HSI09), IEEE, 2009.
  • S. Feldhorst, S. Libert, M. ten Hompel, H. Krumm:
    In­te­gra­ti­on of a Legacy Automation System into a SOA for Devices
    in Proc. of 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), IEEE, IES, 2009.
  • C. Fiehe, A. Litvina, I. Lück und F.-J. Stewing - MATERNA In­for­ma­ti­on & Com­mu­ni­ca­tions; O. Dohndorf, J. Krüger und H. Krumm - TU Dort­mund:
    Policy-gesteuertes Management adaptiver und gütegesicherter Dienstesysteme im Pro­jekt OSAMI (in German)
    in Proc. 39. GI Jahrestagung 2009 (Work­shop AAL), Ge­sell­schaft für In­for­ma­tik, Lübeck, 2009.
  • C. Fiehe, A. Litvina, I. Lück, O. Dohndorf, J. Kattwinkel, F.-J. Stewing, J. Krüger, H. Krumm:
    Location-Transparent In­te­gra­ti­on of Distributed OSGi Frameworks and Web Services
    in Proc. of the IEEE 23nd International Conference on Advanced In­for­ma­ti­on Networking and Applications - Work­shop SOCNE (AINA 2009), Bradford, UK, May 2009.
  • M. Eichelberg, F.-J. Stewing, W. Thronicke, K. Hackbarth, M. Seufert, C. Busch, A. Hein, H. Krumm, M. Ditze, F. Golatowski:
    OSAMI Commons - Eine Softwareplattform für flexible verteilte Dienstesysteme über Geräten und eingebetteten Systemen<
  • in: Tagungsband 2. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2009, VDE, 2009.

Sonstige Ver­öf­fent­lichun­gen - Other Publications

  • Falko Bause, Jan Kriege, Se­bas­ti­an Vastag:
    Efficient Validation of Process-based Si­mu­la­tion Models.
    Special Issue of the Si­mu­la­tion News Europe (SNE): Quality Aspects in Modelling and Si­mu­la­tion, Au­gust 2009 (ISSN 0929-2268), Vol. 19, No 2, pp. 30-38.

Forschungsberichte - Research reports

  • F. Bause:
    Doubly Stochastic and Circulant Structured Markovian Arrival Pro­cess­es
    Technical Reports in Com­pu­ter Science, No. 824, TU Dort­mund Dort­mund (Germany), 2009.
  • P. Buchholz, J. Kriege:
    Equivalence Transformations for Acyclic Phase Type Distributions
    Technical Report 827, Dep. of Com­pu­ter Science, TU Dort­mund, 2009

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions

  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, (eds.):
    Proceedings 14th GI/ITG Conference Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems
    VDE Verlag (ISBN 978-3-8007-3090-2), 2008.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Optimization of Discrete Event Si­mu­la­tion Models in the ProC/B-Toolset
    In: P. Buchholz, A. Kuhn (eds.), Optimization of Logistics Sys­tems, Verlag Praxiswissen, 2008, pp. 99-121.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Kuhn (eds.):
    Optimization of Logistics Sys­tems - Methods and Experiences
    Verlag Praxiswissen 2008.


  • P. Buchholz:
    Bisimulation Relations for Weighted Automata
    Theoretical Com­pu­ter Science 393 (1-3), 2008, pp. 109-123.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    On the Analysis of CSMA-Based Control Networks with Priorities and Multicast
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics 4 (1), 2008, pp. 26-36.


  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, S. Vastag:
    A Framework for Si­mu­la­tion Models of Service-Oriented Architectures
    In: S. Kounev, I. Gorton, and K. Sachs (eds.): Per­for­mance Evaluation: Metrics, Models and Benchmarks, SPEC International Per­for­mance Evaluation Work­shop, SIPEW 2008, Darmstadt, Germany, June 27-28, 2008, LNCS 5119, pp. 208-227, Springer, 2008.
  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, S. Vastag:
    Simulating Process Chain Models with OMNeT++
    Proc. of the First International Conference on Si­mu­la­tion Tools and Techniques for Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Networks and Sys­tems (SIMUTools 2008), Marseille (France), March 3-7, 2008.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Product Form Approximations for Communicating Markov Pro­cess­es
    Accepted for QEST 2008.
  • J. Kriege, S. Vastag:
    ProC/B goes OMNeT++: Efficient Si­mu­la­tion of Process Chains
    Proc. of the 14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems (MMB 2008), Dort­mund, 2008.
  • A. Pohl, H. Krumm, F. Holland, I. Lück, F.-J. Stewing:
    Service-orientation and flexible service binding in distributed automation and control systems
    In: Proc. of the IEEE 22nd International Conference on Advanced In­for­ma­ti­on Networking and Applications (AINA 2008), Okinawa, Japan, Mar. 2008.
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque, H. Krumm, P. Licio de Geus:
    Model-based Management of Security Services in Complex Network Environments
    In: Proc. of the 11th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008), Salvador - Bahia - Brazil, Apr. 2008.

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions

  • M. Berning, S. Vastag:
    Si­mu­la­tion selbststeuernder Transportnetze
    Buchbeitrag "Internet der Dinge", S. 119-126. ISBN 978-3-540-36729-1. Springer Verlag, 2007.
  • F.-J. Stewing, I. Lück, H. Krumm, A. Pohl:
    Von der Gerätebindung zur au­to­ma­ti­sier­ten In­te­gra­ti­on geräte-basierter Webservices
    In: IMC In­for­ma­ti­on Management & Consulting, 22(2007)2, S.95-98.


  • P. Buchholz, T. Dayar:
    On the Convergence of a Class of Multilevel Methods for Large, Sparse Markov Chains
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 29 (3) 2007, pp. 1025-104
  • D. Daly, P. Buchholz, W. H. Sanders.:
    A Preorder Relation for Markov Reward Pro­cess­es
    Sta­tis­tics and Probability Letters 77 (11) 2007, pp. 1148-1157. (Preversion: IBM Research Report RC 23827, Dec. 2005).


  • F. Bause, J. Kriege:
    Detecting Non-Ergodic Si­mu­la­tion Models of Logistics Networks
    Proc. of the Second International Conference on Per­for­mance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2007), Nantes (France), October 23-25, 2007.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    A Hybrid Algorithm for Parameter Fitting of Markovian Arrival Pro­cess­es
    In: K. Al-Begain, A. Heindl, M. Telek. 14th Int. Conf. on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications. SCS Press 2007, pp. 7-12.
  • J. Kriege:
    Konsistenzprüfung von ProC/B-Mo­del­len zur Vorbereitung einer simulativen Analyse
    Proc. of the 18th Conference on Si­mu­la­tion and Visualization (SimVis 2007), Mag­de­burg, 2007.
  • S. Vastag:
    Modellierung selbststeuernder Servicenetze aus Netzplanungsdaten
    R. Koschke, O. Herzog, K. H. Rödiger, M. Ronthaler: INFORMATIK 2007 - In­for­ma­tik trifft Logistik. 109th Lecture Notes in Informatics, pp. 422-424, Bonn, Sep­tem­ber 2007. Ge­sell­schaft für In­for­ma­tik.
  • E. Zeeb, A. Bobek, H. Bohn, S. Prüter, A. Pohl, H. Krumm, I. Lück, F. Golatowski, D. Timmermann:
    WS4D: SOA-Toolkits making embedded systems ready for Web Services
    In: Proc. "Open Source Soft­ware and Product Lines 2007", Limerick, Ireland, 2007.

Sonstige Ver­öf­fent­lichun­gen - Other Publications

  • P. Buchholz:
    Iterations of different levels: Multilevel Methods for Structured Markov Chains
    Dagstuhl Seminar, Report 07071, 2007

Dissertationen - Dissertations

  • I. Lück:
    Modellbasierte Konfiguration von Sicherheitsdiensten
    TU Dort­mund, Fa­kul­tät für In­for­ma­tik, 2007.
  • A. Panchenko:
    Modelling of Network Traffic Pro­cess­es by Means of Markovian Arrival Pro­cess­es
    TU Dresden, Fa­kul­tät für In­for­ma­tik, 2007


  • P. Buchholz, J. P. Katoen, M. Verhoef:
    Guest editors' introduction: quantitative analysis of real-time embedded systems
    Int. J. Softw. Tools Techn. Transfer Vol. 8 (6), 2006, pp. 605-606.
  • J. Plönnigs, P. Buchholz, M. Neugebauer, K. Kabitzsch:
    Automated Modelling and Analysis of CSMA Type Access Schemes for Building Automatio
    IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 2, May 2006, pp. 103-111.
  • A. Tari, M. Telek, P. Buchholz:
    A Simplified Moment-Based Estimation Method for Extreme Probabilities, Infinite and Positive Case
    Int. Journ. on Si­mu­la­tion, Sys­tems and Technology, Vol. 7 (4), 2006, pp. 15-28.
  • A. Thümmler, P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    A Novel Approach for fitting Probability Distributions to Trace Data with the EM Algorithm
    IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing Vol. 3, No. 3, July-Sept. 2006, 245-258. (Pre-version in: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Dependable Sys­tems and Networks 2005, IEEE CS Press 2005, 712-721).


  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz:
    Modellierung von Supply Chains unter Be­rück­sich­ti­gung variierender Organisationsstrukturen
    Tagungsband 12. ASIM Fachtagung, Si­mu­la­tion in Pro­duk­tion und Logistik, Uni­ver­si­tät Kassel, 26. bis 27. Sep­tem­ber 2006, pp. 53-62. ISBN 3-936150-48-6
  • P. Buchholz:
    Structured Analysis Techniques for Large Markov Chains
    In: Proc. 1st Work­shop on Tools for solving structured Markov Chains, ACM Press, CD Edition, 2006.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Bounding Stationary Results of Tandem Networks with MAP Input and PH Service Time Distributions
    In: Proc. Sigmetrics/Per­for­mance 2006, ACM Press 2006, pp. 191-202.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Optimization of Markov Models with Evolutionary Strategies Based on Exact and Approximate Analysis Techniques
    In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Per­for­mance Evaluation Methodology and Tools, IEEE CS Press 2006, pp. 233-242.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper, D. Müller, M. Stöber, A. Thümmler:
    OPEDo: A Tool for Optimization and Per­for­mance Evaluation of Stochastic Models
    In: R. German, A. Heindl (eds.). Proc. 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems. VDE Verlag 2006, pp. 457-460.
  • P. Buchholz, D. Müller, P. Kemper, A. Thümmler:
    OPEDo: A Tool Framework for Modelling and Optimization of Stochastic Models
    In: Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Per­for­mance Evaluation Methodology and Tools, ACM Press, CD Edition, 2006.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    A Queuing Network Approach for Modelling Control Nets in Building Automation
    In: R. German, A. Heindl (eds.). Proc. 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems. VDE Verlag 2006, pp. 317-334.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    The Influence of Priorities on the Per­for­mance of CSMA-Based Access Schemes for Control Nets
    In: Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Work­shop on Factory Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems (WFCS'2006), IEEE Press, CD Edition, 2006.
  • D. Daly, P. Buchholz, W. H. Sanders:
    Bound Preserving Composition of Markov Reward Models
    In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Per­for­mance Evaluation Methodology and Tools, IEEE CS Press 2006, pp. 243-252.
  • S. Illner, H. Krumm, I. Lück, A. Pohl, A. Bobek, H. Bohn, F. Golatowski:
    Model-Based Management of Embedded Service Sys­tems - An Applied Approach
    In: Proc. 20th Int. IEEE Conf. on Advanced In­for­ma­ti­on Networking and Applications (AINA2006), Vienna, Apr. 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 519-523, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press, 2006.
  • S. Illner, A. Pohl, H. Krumm, I. Lück, D. Manka, F.-J. Stewing:
    Policy-based self-management of industrial service systems
    In: Proc. 4th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'06), Singapore, Aug. 2006, pp. 492-497, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press, 2006.
  • V. V. Lam, P. Buchholz, W. H. Sanders:
    A Component-level Path Decomposition Approach for Efficient Transient Analysis of Large CTMCs
    In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Dependable Sys­tems and Networks 2006, IEEE CS Press 2006, pp. 485-494.

Dissertationen - Dissertations

  • M. Arns:
    Approximative Ver­fah­ren auf erweiterten Fork/Join-Warteschlangennetzen zur Analyse von Logistiknetzen
    Fachbereich In­for­ma­tik, Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, 2006.
  • M. Fischer:
    Parallele numerische Ver­fah­ren zur quantitativen Analyse logistischer Sys­te­me
    Fachbereich In­for­ma­tik, Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, 2006.
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque:
    Model-Based Configuration Management of Security Sys­tems in Complex Network Environments
    Uni­ver­sity of Campinas, Brasil, 2006.
  • G. Rothmaier:
    Integrated Formal Modelling and Automated Analysis of Com­pu­ter Network Attack
    Fachbereich In­for­ma­tik, Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, 2006.

Forschungsberichte - Research reports

  • F. Bause, T. Geißen, A. Meinke, V. Tatah, M. Völker:
    Per­for­mance Evaluation For Cost Calculation of Business Pro­cess­es
    Technical Report Son­der­for­schungs­be­reich 559 "Modellierung großer Netze in der Logistik" No. 06006, ISSN 1612-1376, 2006.
  • M. Hierweck, J. Finzel, A. van Almsick, J. Kriege, M. Schwenke:
    ProC/B-Editor - Hand­buch
    Son­der­for­schungs­be­reich 559 Modellierung großer Netze in der Logistik, Technical Report 06002, ISSN 1612-1376, 2006.


  • P. Buchholz:
    An Improved Method for Bounding Stationary Measures of Finite Markov Process
    Per­for­mance Evaluation 62 (1-4), 2005, pp. 349-365 (Special Issue Per­for­mance 2005)
  • P. Buchholz, T. Dayar:
    Block SOR preconditioned projection methods for Kronecker structured Markovian representation
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (4), 2005, pp. 1289-1313.


  • P. Buchholz, D. Müller, A. Thümmler:
    Optimization of Process Chain Models with Response Surface Methodolgy and The ProC/B Toolset
    In: H. G. Lünther, D. Mattfield, L. Sul (eds.), Supply Chain Management and Logistik, Physica Verlag 2005, pp. 553-573.
  • P. Buchholz, C. Tepper:
    Functional Analysis of Process Oriented Sys­tems
    In: H. Fleuren, D. den Hertog, P. Kort (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2004, Springer 2005, pp. 127-135.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Thümmler:
    Enhancing Evolutionary Algorithms with Statistical Selection Procedures for Si­mu­la­tion Optimization
    Winter Si­mu­la­tion Conference 2005, December 2005, Orlando FL, U.S.A.
  • G. Horvath, P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    A MAP Fitting Approach with Independent Approximation of the Inter-Arrival Time Distribution and the Lag-Correlation
    In: 2nd Int. Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Sys­tems (QEST'2005), IEEE CS Press 2005, pp. 124-133.
  • S. Illner, H. Krumm, A. Pohl, I. Lück, D. Manka, T. Sparenberg:
    Policy Con­trolled Automated Management of Distributed and Embedded Service Sys­tems
    In: Proc. IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2005), Innsbruck, pp. 710-715, 2005.
  • S. Illner, A. Pohl, H. Krumm:
    Model-driven Security Management of Embedded Service Sys­tems
    In: Proc. 31th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'05) Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, No­vem­ber 6-10, pp. 2655-2660, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press, 2005.
  • S. Illner, A. Pohl, H. Krumm, I. Lück, D. Manka, Th. Sparenberg:
    Automated Runtime Management of Embedded Service Sys­tems Based on Design-Time Modelling and Model Trans­for­ma­tion
    In: Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics (INDIN05), Perth, Australia, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press, IEEE Catalogue Number: 05EX1057C, Paper Number PD-001854, 2005.
  • V. V. Lam, P. Buchholz, W. H. Sanders:
    A Component-level Path-based Approach for Efficient Analysis of Large Markov Models
    Winter Si­mu­la­tion Conference 2005, December 2005, Orlando FL, U.S.A
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque, H. Isenberg, H. Krumm, P. Licio de Geus:
    Improving the Configuration Management of Large Network Security Sys­tems
    In: J. Schönwälder and J. Serrat (eds.), Ambient Networks: 16th IFIP/IEEE International Work­shop on Distributed Sys­tems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2005. Proceedings, vol. 3775 of Lecture Notes in Com­pu­ter Science, pp. 36-47, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque, H. Isenberg, H. Krumm, P. Licio de Geus:
    Gerenciamento Baseado em Modelos da Conguracao de Sistemas de Seguranca em Redes de Larga Escala
    In: V Simposio Brasileiro em Seguranca da Informacao e de Sistemas Computacionais, pp. 174-187, Florianopolis, Brazil, 2005.
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque, H. Krumm, P. Licio de Geus:
    Modelagem de Sistemas de Seguranca em Ambientes de Redes de Larga Escala
    In: Anais do 23o. Simposio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC), Fortaleza, Brazil, May, 2005.
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque, H. Krumm, P. Licio de Geus:
    On Scalability and Modularisation in the Modelling of Network Security Sys­tems
    In: S. De Capitani di Vimercati, P. F. Syverson, D. Gollmann, (eds.), Com­pu­ter Security - ESORICS 2005, 10th European Symposium on Research in Com­pu­ter Security, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Com­pu­ter Science Vol. 3679, pp. 287-304, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005.
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque, H. Krumm, P. Licio de Geus:
    Modellierung von Netzsicherheitsystemen umfangreicher vernetzter IT-In­fra­struk­turen
    In: A. B. Cremers, R. Manthey, P.Martini, V. Steinhage, (eds.), INFORMATIK 2005 - In­for­ma­tik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Ge­sell­schaft für In­for­ma­tik e.V. (GI), Lecture Notes in Informatics Vol. 68, S. 633-637, Bonn, Germany, 2005. GI.
  • J. Porto de Albuquerque, H. Krumm, P. Licio de Geus:
    Policy Modelling and Refinement for Network Security Sys­tems
    In: Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Work­shop on Policies for Distributed Sys­tems and Networks, 2005, Stockholm. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE, 2005. pp. 24-33.
  • G. Rothmaier, T. Kneiphoff, H. Krumm:
    Using SPIN and Eclipse for Optimized High-Level Modelling and Analysis of Com­pu­ter Network Attack Models
    In: Patrice Godefroid (ed.): SPIN 2005, LNCS 3639, Springer-Verlag, Aug. 2005, pp. 236-250.
  • G. Rothmaier, H. Krumm:
    A Framework based Approach for Formal Modelling and Analysis of Multi-Level Attacks in Com­pu­ter Networks
    In: Proc. 25th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Sys­tems (FORTE 2005), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2005.
  • G. Rothmaier, H. Krumm:
    Formale Modellierung und Analyse protokollbasierter Angriffe in TCP/IP Netzwerken am Bei­spiel von ARP und RIP
    In: Federrath, Hannes (ed.): Si­cher­heit 2005, Proceedings of 2. Jahrestagung des Fachbereiches Si­cher­heit der Ge­sell­schaft für In­for­ma­tik e.V. (GI), Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), vol. P-62, Springer-Verlag, April 2005, pp. 77-8
  • A. Tari, P. Buchholz, M. Telek:
    A unified Approach to the Moments based Distribution Estimation - the unbounded Case
    In: Proc. 2nd European Per­for­mance Evaluation Work­shop, 2005, Spinger LNCS 3670, pp. 79-93.
  • A. Tari, M. Telek, P. Buchholz:
    A Moment Based Estimation Method for Extreme Probabilities
    In: N. Thomas (ed.), Proc. 21st UK Per­for­mance Engineering Work­shop, Technical Report CS-TR-916, School of Computing Science, Uni­ver­sity of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2005, pp. 69-81.

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions

  • P. Buchholz, R. Lehnert, M. Pioro (eds.):
    MMB & PGTS 2004
    VDE Verlag 2004.


  • P. Buchholz:
    An Adaptive Decomposition Approach for the Analysis of Stochastic Petri Nets
    Per­for­mance Evaluation 2004. 56 (1/4), pp. 23-52. (Pre-version in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Dependable Sys­tems and Networks (DSN'02), IEEE CS-Press (2002) pp. 647-656).
  • P. Buchholz, T. Dayar:
    Comparison of Multilevel Methods for Kronecker Based Markovian Representations
    Computing 73, 2004, pp. 349-371.
  • P. Buchholz, T. Dayar:
    Block SOR for Kronecker Structured Representations
    Linear Algebra and Its Applications 386 (2004) pp. 83-109 (Pre-version in: A. N. Langville, W.J. Stewart (eds.), Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains (NSMC'03), pp. 121-143).
  • G. Graw, P. Herrmann:
    Trans­for­ma­tion and Verification of Executable UML Models
    In: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Com­pu­ter Science, Elsevier Science
  • P. Herrmann, G. Herrmann (Guest Editors):
    Special Issue on Security and Trust in Electronic Commerce
    In: Electronic Commerce Research Journal, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 4(2004) pp. 1-2.
  • P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    Trust-Based Monitoring of Component-Structured Soft­ware
    In: Praxis der In­for­ma­tions­ver­ar­bei­tung und Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on (PIK), K.G. Saur Verlag, 27(2004)4, S. 237-245.


  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, M. Fischer, P. Kemper:
    Hybrid Performability Analysis of Logistic Networks
    In: Proc. 18th Work­shop on Parallel and Distributed Si­mu­la­tion (PADS'2004), IEEE CS Press, 2004, pp. 131-138.
  • F. Bause, P. Buchholz, C. Tepper:
    The ProC/B-Approach from Informal Descriptions to Formal Models
    Proc. 1st Int. Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (IsoLA'04).
  • P. Buchholz, P.Kemper:
    Kronecker Based Matrix Representations for Large Markov Chains
    In: B. Haverkort, H. Hermanns, M. Siegle (eds.), Validation of Stochastic Sys­tems, Springer LNCS 2925, 2004, pp. 256-295.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    A Two-step EM-Algorithm for MAP fitting
    Proc.19th Int. Symposium on Com­pu­ter and In­for­ma­ti­on Sciences (ISCIS'2004), Springer LNCS 3280, pp. 217-227.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    An EM Algorithm for Fitting of Real Traffic Traces to PH-Distributions
    In: Proc. Int. Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC'2004), IEEE Press 2004, pp. 283-288.
  • P. Buchholz, J. Plönnigs:
    Analytical Analysis of Access-Schemes of the CSMA-Type
    In: T. Sauter and F. Vasques (eds.) Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Work­shop on Factory Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems (WFCS'2004), IEEE Press 2004, pp. 127-136.
  • P. Buchholz, W. J. Sanders:
    Approximate Computation of Transient Results for Large Markov Chains
    In: Proc. 1st Int. Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Sys­tems (QEST'2004), IEEE CS Press 2004, pp. 126-135.
  • G. Graw, P. Herrmann:
    Ge­ne­ra­ti­on and Enactment of Controllers for Business Architectures using MDA
    In: 1st European Work­shop on Soft­ware Architecture (EWSA 2004), LNCS, St. Andrews, May 2004, Springer-Verlag.
  • P. Herrmann, L. Wiebusch, H. Krumm:
    Vertrauensbasierte Laufzeitüberwachung verteilter komponentenstrukturierter E-Commerce-Soft­ware
    In: Proceedings GI/SIDAR Work­shop on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA 2004), U. Flegel, M. Meier (eds.), Springer Verlag LNI, 2004, pp. 55-70 (in German).
  • S. Illner, A. Pohl, H. Krumm:
    Security Service Adaptation for Embedded Service Sys­tems in Changing Environments
    In: Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics (INDIN04), Berlin, Germany, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press, 2004, pp. 457-462.
  • V. V. Lam, P. Buchholz, W. J. Sanders:
    A Structured Path-Based Approach for Computing Transient Rewards of Large CTMCs
    In: Proc. 1st Int. Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Sys­tems (QEST'2004), IEEE CS Press 2004, pp. 136-145.
  • M. Neugebauer, J. Plönnigs, K. Kabitzsch, P. Buchholz:
    Automated Modelling of LonWorks Building Automation Networks
    In: T. Sauter and F. Vasques (eds.) Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Work­shop on Factory Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems (WFCS'2004), IEEE Press 2004, pp. 113-118.
  • G. Rothmaier, A. Pohl, H. Krumm:
    Analyzing Network Management Effects with SPIN and cTLA
    In: (Y. Deswarte, F. Cuppens, S. Jajodia, L. Wang, eds.) Proc. of IFIP 18th World Com­pu­ter Congress, TC11 19th Int. In­for­ma­ti­on Security Conference, 2004. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston; Dordrecht; London, 2004, pp. 65-81.

Dissertationen - Dissertations

  • M. Lohmann:
    Online QoS revenue management for third gen­era­tion mobile com­mu­ni­cation networks
    Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, 2004


  • P. Buchholz:
    Structured Analysis of Markov Models
    Tutorial at QEST 2004, Sep­tem­ber 2004, Enschede, Netherlands.


  • P. Buchholz, J. P. Katoen, P. Kemper, C. Tepper:
    Model-Checking Large Structured Markov Chains
    Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (2003) 56 (1/2), pp. 69-97.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Weak Bisimulation for (max/+)-Automata and Related Models
    Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics (2003) 8 (2), pp. 187-218.


  • F. Bause:
    Si­mu­la­tion logistischer Netze
    Tagungsband 17. Symposium Si­mu­la­ti­ons­tech­nik ASIM 2003 an der Otto-von-Guericke-Uni­ver­si­tät Mag­de­burg, 16.-19. Sep­tem­ber 2003 in Mag­de­burg, eds. R. Hohmann, SCS-Europe BVBA, 2003, ISBN 3-936150-27-3, S. 27-34.
  • F. Bause:
    On Non-Ergodic Infinite-State Stochastic Petri Nets
    Proceedings of the 10th International Work­shop on Petri Nets and Per­for­mance Models (PNPM 2003), IEEE Society Press, ISBN 0-7695-1976-8, pp. 84-92.
  • F. Bause, M. Eickhoff:
    Truncation Point Estimation using Multiple Replications in Parallel
    2003 Winter Si­mu­la­tion Conference December 7-10, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2003.
  • F. Bause, M. Völker:
    A Modelling Paradigm for Process Chains in Logistics - On Requirements for Modelling Supply Chains
    Forschungsbericht Nr. 780 des Fachbereichs In­for­ma­tik der Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund (Germany), pp. 13-25, 2003; Work­shop on Stochastic Petri nets and related formalisms ICALP 2003 Satellite Work­shop Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 28-29, 2003.
  • H. Beilner:
    Model-Based Evaluation of Logistics Networks
    In: G. Kotsis (ed.), Symposium on Per­for­mance Evaluation- Stories and Perspectives, OCG 2003, Vol. 175, pp. 353-364.
  • P. Buchholz:
    An EM-Algorithm for MAP Fitting from Real Traffic Data
    In: P. Kemper, W. H. Sanders (eds.), Com­pu­ter Per­for­mance Evaluation Modelling Techniques and Tools, Springer LNCS 2794 (2003), pp. 218-236.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    Markovian Analysis of Frame-Based Scheduling Disciplines
    Proc. 5th Work­shop on System Design Automation (SDA 2003), pp. 67-74.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    A Numerical Analysis of Weighted Round Robin
    In: D. Kouvatsos (ed.). Proc. of the 1st Int. Conference on Per­for­mance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks, pp. 27.1-27.10, Networks UK 2003
  • G. Graw, P. Herrmann:
    Trans­for­ma­tion and Verification of Executable UML Models
    In: Compositional Verification of UML Models - Work­shop at the 6th International Conference on the Unified Modelling Language, San Francisco, October 2003.
  • P. Herrmann:
    Formal Security Policy Verification of Distributed Component-Structured Soft­ware
    In: 23rd IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Sys­tems (FORTE'2003), pp. 257-272, IFIP, LNCS 2767, Berlin, Sep­tem­ber/October 2003, Springer-Verlag.
  • P. Herrmann:
    How to Integrate Trust Management into a Risk Analysis Process
    Position Paper. In: 2nd Internal iTrust Work­shop on Trust Management in Dynamic Open Sys­tems, London, Sep­tem­ber 2003.
  • P. Herrmann:
    Trust-Based Protection of Soft­ware Component Users and Designers
    In: 1st International Conference on Trust Management, pp. 75-90, LNCS 2692, Heraklion, May 2003, Springer-Verlag.
  • G. Herrmann, P. Herrmann:
    Development Support of Anonymous Business Pro­cess­es
    In: 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR03), ATSMA, IFIP, Dallas, October 2003.

Dissertationen - Dissertations

  • A. Thümmler:
    Stochastic modelling and analysis of 3G mobile com­mu­ni­cation systems
    Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, 2003.

Forschungsberichte - Research reports

  • F. Bause:
    Tools of the 2003 Illinois International Multiconference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter-Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems
    Forschungsbericht Nr. 781 des Fachbereichs In­for­ma­tik der Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund (Germany), 2003.
  • F. Bause:
    Input-Output Hidden Markov Models for the Aggregation of Per­for­mance Models
    Technical Report Son­der­for­schungs­be­reich 559 "Modellierung großer Netze in der Logistik" No. 03010, ISSN 1612-1376, 2003.
  • F. Bause, H. Beilner, M. Schwenke:
    Semantik des ProC/B-Paradigmas
    Technical Report Son­der­for­schungs­be­reich 559 "Modellierung großer Netze in der Logistik" No. 03001, ISSN 1612-1376, 2003.
  • F. Bause, J. Bernhard, T. Fender, M. Völker, S. Wenzel:
    Standardisierte Beschreibung von Eingangsdaten für die Si­mu­la­tion auf Basis des Prozesskettenparadigmas
    Technical Report Son­der­for­schungs­be­reich 559 "Modellierung großer Netze in der Logistik" No. 03004, ISSN 1612-1376, 2003.
  • G. Rothmaier, H. Krumm:
    cTLA 2003 Description
    LS4, FB In­for­ma­tik, Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, Technical Report, 2003


  • P. Buchholz:
    Numerical Analysis Approaches for Large Markov Chains -Ex­pe­ri­ments, Observations and Some New Results
    Tutorial at the 2003 Illinois Multiconference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter-Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems, Sep­tem­ber 2003.

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions

  • F. Bause, P. S. Kritzinger:
    Stochastic Petri Nets - An Introduction to the Theory
    Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlag, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden (Germany), Second Edition, 2002.


  • P. Buchholz:
    An Iterative Bounding Method for Stochastic Automata Networks
    Per­for­mance Evaluation (2002) Vol. 49 (1-4), pp. 211-226.
  • P. Buchholz:
    An Adaptive Importance Sampling Approach for the Transient Analysis of Markovian Queueing Networks
    European Transactions on Telecommunications (2002) Vol. 13 (4), pp. 317-330.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Hierarchical Reachability Graph Ge­ne­ra­ti­on for Petri Nets
    Formal Methods in Sys­tems Design (2002) 21 (3), pp. 281-315.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Efficient Computation and Representation of Large Reachability Sets for Composed Automata
    Discrete Event Dynamic Sys­tems - Theory and Applications (2002) 12 (3), pp. 265-286. (Pre-version in: R. Boel and G. Stremersch (eds.), Discrete Event Sys­tems - Analysis and Control, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000), pp. 49‑56).
  • P. Herrmann, H. Krumm, O. Drögehorn, W. Geisselhardt:
    Framework and Tool Support for Formal Verification of High Speed Transfer Protocol Designs
    In: Telecommunication Sys­tems, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 20(2002)3-4, pp. 291-310.


  • F. Bause, H. Beilner, M. Fischer, P. Kemper, M. Völker:
    The Proc/B Toolset for the Modelling and Analysis of Process Chains
    12th International Conference on Modelling Tools and Techniques for Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion System Per­for­mance Evaluation, TOOLS 2002, London (UK). In: T. Field, P.G. Harrison, J. Bradley, U. Harder (eds): Com­pu­ter Per­for­mance Evaluation, Modelling Techniques and Tools, Lecture Notes in Com­pu­ter Science, No 2324, Springer, pp. 51-70, 2002.
  • F. Bause, M. Eickhoff:
    Initial Transient Period Detection using Parallel Replications
    ESS'2002, Dresden (Germany), October 23th-26th 2002. In: A. Verbraeck, W. Krug (eds.): Si­mu­la­tion in Industry, 14th European Si­mu­la­tion Symposium and Exhibition, SCS-Europe BVBA Ghent, pp. 85-92, 2002.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Efficient Estimation of Small Probabilities in Discrete Event Si­mu­la­tion
    In: Proc. 4th Work­shop on System Design Automation (SDA 2002), pp. 63-72.
  • P. Buchholz, A. Panchenko:
    Numerical Analysis of Class Based Queuing
    In: K. Amborski, H. Meuth. Proc. 16th European Si­mu­la­tion Multiconference, SCS Publishing (2002) pp. 543-547.
  • G. Graw, P. Herrmann:
    Verification of xUML Specifications in the context of MDA
    In: Work­shop in Soft­ware Model Engineering (WISME@UML'2002), Dresden, October 2002.
  • P. Herrmann:
    Trust-Based Security Policy Enforcement of Soft­ware Components
    In: 1st Internal iTrust Work­shop on Trust Management in Dynamic Open Sys­tems, Glasgow, Sep­tem­ber 2002.
  • P. Herrmann, G. Herrmann:
    Security-Oriented Refinement of Business Pro­cess­es
    In: 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR02), ATSMA, IFIP, Montreal, October 2002.
  • P. Herrmann, L. Wiebusch, H. Krumm:
    State-Based Security Policy Enforcement in Component-Based E-Commerce Applications
    In: 2nd IFIP Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business & E-Government (I3E), pp. 195-209, Lisbon, October 2002. Kluwer Academic Publisher.
  • I. Lück, S. Vögel, H. Krumm:
    Model-Based Configuration of VPNs
    In: 8th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS2002), pp. 589-602, Florence, April 2002. IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press.

Sonstige Ver­öf­fent­lichun­gen - Other Publications

  • F. Bause, Chr. Möller:
    Kapazitätsbestimmung eines Shuttle-Zuges mit Hilfe der Warteschlangentheorie
    Distribution (Logistik in Warenfluss und Ver­tei­lung), Vereinte Fachverlage (Mainz), S. 51-53, April 2002.
  • F. Bause, Chr. Möller:
    Kombinierter Ver­kehr als Optimierungsaufgabe
    Fördertechnik (Zeitschrift f. Logistik, Materialfluss, Trans­port- und Lagertechnik, Technica Verlags AG (Rupperswil, Swiss)), S. 6-9, März 2002.

Dissertationen - Dissertations

  • A. Mester:
    Rechnergestützte Konstruktion verteilter An­wen­dungen mit Spezifikationsmustern
    Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, 2002.

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions

  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Quantifying the Dynamic Behavior of Process Algebras
    In: L. de Alfaro, S. Gilmore (eds.), Process Algebras and Probabilistic Methods. Springer LNCS 2165 (2001) pp. 184-199.
  • S. Kowalewski, P. Herrmann, S. Engell, R. Huuck, H. Krumm, Y. Lakhnech, B. Lukoschus, H. Treseler:
    Approaches to the Formal Verification of Hybrid Sys­tems
    In: at - Automatisierungstechnik, 49(2001)2, pp. 66-74.


  • F. Bause, R. Boucherie, P. Buchholz:
    Norton's theorem for batch routing queueing networks
    Com­mu­ni­ca­tions in Sta­tis­tics - Stochastic Models, Marcel Dekker New York, Vol 17 (1), pp. 39-60, 2001.
  • F. Bause, M. Kaczmarek:
    Modellierung und Analyse von Supply Chains
    Wirtschaftsinformatik 43 (6), pp. 569-578, 2001.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Hybrid Analysis of SGSPNs with Time-Dependent Transition Rates
    Per­for­mance Evaluation (2001) 44(1-4), pp. 166-181. (Pre-version in: Proc. 4th Int. Com­pu­ter Per­for­mance and Dependability Symposium (IPDS'00), IEEE-CS Press (2000) pp. 157-166).
  • P. Buchholz, I. V. Tarasyuk:
    Net and Algebraic Approaches to Probabilistic Modelling
    Joint NCC & IIS Bull. (2001) Vol. 15, pp. 31-64.


  • M. Arns, F. Bause:
    An Instructive Example for Pitfalls in Si­mu­la­tion of Logistic Networks
    ESS'2001, Si­mu­la­tion in Industry, 13th European Si­mu­la­tion Symposium and Exhibition, Marseilles (France), October 18th-20th 2001, SCS-Europe Ghent, pp. 420-423, 2001.
  • F. Bause, H. Beilner, P. Kemper:
    Zur prozessorientierten Modellierung logistischer Netze
    2. Chemnitzer Netztagung "Vernetzt planen und produzieren", 20.+21. Sep­tem­ber 2001, Wiss. Schriftenreihe Inst. Betr. Wiss., Chemnitz, S. 65-68, 2001.
  • F. Bause, H. Beilner, M. Völker:
    A frame­work for the modelling and simulation of logistic networks
    4th International Eurosim Congress (EUROSIM 2001: Shaping Future with Si­mu­la­tion), June 26 - 29, 2001, Delft, The Netherlands, DBSS Le Berkel en Rodenrijs, 2001.
  • F. Bause, M. Fischer, P. Kemper, M. Völker:
    Per­for­mance and Cost Analysis of Supply Chain Models
    Proc. of the First Seoul International Si­mu­la­tion Conference (SeoulSim 2001), Seoul (Korea), 8.-10. October 2001, pp. 425-434, 2001.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Equivalence and Aggregation of GSPNs with Labeled Transitions
    In: R. German, B. R. Haverkort (eds.). Petri Nets and Per­for­mance Models 2001. IEEE CS-Press (2001) pp. 187-196.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Compact Representations of Probability Distributions in the Analysis of Superposed GSPNs
    Petri Nets and Per­for­mance Models 2001. IEEE CS-Press (2001) pp. 81-90.
  • P. Buchholz, S. Kühn, F. Breiter:
    A Numerical Analysis of a Com­mu­ni­ca­tion System with Advance Reservations
    In: B. R. Haverkort (ed.). Proc. 11th GI/ITG Conf. on Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems. VDE Verlag (2001), pp. 119-134 (Pre-version TU Dresden, Fa­kul­tät für In­for­ma­tik, Technischer Bericht TUD-FI00-08 - Sep­tem­ber 2000).
  • P. Herrmann:
    In­for­ma­ti­on Flow Analysis of Component-Structured Applications
    In: 17th Annual Com­pu­ter Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'2001), pp. 45-54, ACM SIGSAC, New Orleans, December 2001. IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press.
  • P. Herrmann:
    Trust-Based Procurement Support for Soft­ware Components
    In: Fourth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-4), pp. 505-514, ATSMA, IFIP, Dallas, No­vem­ber 2001.
  • P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    Trust-adapted enforcement of security policies in distributed component-structured applications
    In: 6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, pp. 2-8, Hammamet, Tunesia, July 2001. IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press.
  • P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    Object-Oriented Security Analysis and Modelling
    In: 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Sys­tems - Modelling and Analysis, pp. 21-32, ATSMA, IFIP, Dallas, TX, USA, March 2001.
  • P. Herrmann, L. Wiebusch, H. Krumm:
    Tool-Assisted Security Assessment of Distributed Applications
    In: Third IFIP WG 6.1 International Working Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Sys­tems (DAIS 2001), pp. 289-294, Krakow, Sep­tem­ber 2001. Kluwer Academic Publisher.
  • I. Lück, C. Schä­fer, H. Krumm:
    Model-based Tool-Assistance for Packet-Filter Design
    In: M. Sloman, E. Lupu, J. Lobo (eds.), Proceedings of the IEEE Work­shop on Policies for Distributed Sys­tems and Networks (Policy 2001), pp. 120-136, Bristol, UK, Lecture Notes in Com­pu­ter Science 1995, 2001. Springer-Verlag.


  • P. Buchholz:
    Numerical Analysis of Markov Models - From Conventional to Structured Models
    Tutorial at the 2001 Aachen Multiconference on Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Com­pu­ter-Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems, Sep­tem­ber 2001.


  • P. Buchholz:
    A Hybrid Analysis Approach for Finite-Capacity Queues with General Inputs and Phase Type Service
    Queueing Sys­tems (2000) 35(1-4), pp. 167-183.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Multi Level Solutions for Structured Markov Chains
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2000) 22(2), pp. 342-357.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Efficient Computation of Equivalent and Reduced Representations for Stochastic Automata Com­pu­ter Sys­tems
    Science & Engineering (2000) 15(2), pp. 93-103.
  • P. Buchholz, G. Ciardo, S. Donatelli, P. Kemper:
    Kronecker Operations and Sparse Matrices with Applications to the Solution of Markov Models
    INFORMS Journal on Computing (2000) 12 (3), pp. 203-222 (Pre-version ICASE Report No. 97-66, Dec. 1997).
  • P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    A Framework for Modelling Transfer Protocols
    In: Com­pu­ter Networks, 34(2000)2, pp. 317-337.
  • H. Krumm:
    Verteilte An­wen­dungen - Auf­bau, Funktionen und Entwicklungspotenziale verteilter Soft­ware-Sys­te­me
    In: Com­pu­ter + Un­ter­richt, 39(2000), S. 47-50.
  • H. König, P. Langendörfer, H. Krumm:
    Improving the Efficiency of Automated Protocol Implementations Using a Configurable FDT Compiler
    In: Com­pu­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, 23(2000)12, pp. 1179-1195.
  • A. Mester, H. Krumm:
    Animation of Protocols and Distributed Algorithms
    In: Journal of Com­pu­ter Science Education, 10(2000)3, pp. 243-265.



  • M. Arns, F. Bause, P. Kemper, M. Schmitz, H. Schweier, F. Stüllenberg, M. Völker:
    Ge­stal­tung von Beschaffungsnetzwerken auf Basis einer prozeßkettenorientierten Modellierung
    In­dus­trie Management (3), GITO Berlin, S. 33-36, Juni 2000.
  • F. Bause, H. Beilner, P. Kemper:
    Modellierung und Analyse von Logistiknetzwerken mit Prozessketten
    ASIM 2000, 14th Symposium Si­mu­la­ti­ons­tech­nik, Hamburg, Sep­tem­ber 2000, SCS-Europe BVBA Ghent, pp. 53-67. 2000.
  • A. Berraqa, P. Herrmann, N. Ilayyan, H. Krumm, N. Schmitt, J. Schröder, M.-C. Schröer, S.
    Stöcker, A. Stoll, J. Thiemann, L. Wiebusch:
    Ein flexibles komponentenstrukturiertes Intrusion Detection System
    In: 7. Work­shop "Si­cher­heit in vernetzten Systemen", DFN-CERT & DFN-PCA, Hamburg, März 2000. (In German)
  • P. Buchholz:
    Hybrid Analysis of Non-Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets
    In: E. Gelenbe (eds.) System Per­for­mance Evaluation: Methodologies and Applications, CRC Press (2000), pp. 291-300.
  • G. Graw, P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    Verification of UML-based real-time system designs by means of cTLA
    In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing - (ISORC2K), pp. 86-95, Newport Beach, CA, USA, March 2000. IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press.
  • P. Herrmann, P. Grannas:
    A Tool for Hazard Detection in Hybrid Sys­tems
    In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automation of Mixed Pro­cess­es: Hybrid Dynamic Sys­tems, pp. 225-230, Dort­mund, Germany, Sep­tem­ber 2000. Shaker Verlag.
  • P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    A Framework for the Hazard Analysis of Chemical Plants
    In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Com­pu­ter-Aided Control System Design (CACSD2000), pp. 35-41, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, IEEE CSS, Sep­tem­ber 2000. Omnipress.
  • P. Herrmann, M. Noël:
    Formal Development of a Distributed Control System for Road Marking Machines
    In: 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Sys­tems - Modelling and Analysis, pp. 430-437, ATSMA, IFIP, Nashville, TN, USA, March 2000.

Forschungsberichte - Research reports

  • M. Arns, F. Bause, H. Beilner, M. Fischer, M. Völker:
    Beispielmodellierung von Behälterkreisläufen im B1-Paradigma - Analyse
    SFB 559, Bericht-Nr. 00013, 2000
  • M. Arns, F. Bause, M. Fischer, P. Kemper, H. Tatlitürk:
    Modellierung und Analyse des KV-Terminals im Güterverkehrszentrum
    SFB 559, Bericht-Nr. 00003, 2000.
  • F. Bause, M. Kaczmarek:
    Un­ter­su­chung der Vorteilhaftigkeit aus­ge­wähl­ter Versorgungsstrategien in der Supply Chain vor dem Hintergrund des Bullwhip-Effektes
    SFB 559, Bericht-Nr. 00026, 2000.
  • F. Bause, Chr. Möller:
    Analysis of an in­ter­mo­dal terminal in freight villages
    SFB 559, Bericht-Nr. 00011, 2000.


  • P. Buchholz:
    Analysis of large Markov chains based on Kronecker algebra
    Tutorial at the IPDS'00, March 2000, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA.

Bücher/Buchbeiträge - Books/Book Contributions

  • P. Buchholz, M. Silva (eds.):
    Petri Nets and Per­for­mance Models
    (PNPM'99) IEEE CS-Press (1999).
  • Heiko Krumm:
    Temporal Logic
    In: J. Urban, P. Dasgupta (eds.), Encyclopedia of Distributed Sys­tems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.


  • P. Buchholz:
    Structured Analysis Approaches for Large Markov Chains
    Applied Numerical Mathematics 31(4) 1999, pp. 375-404.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Projection Methods for the Analysis of Stochastic Automata Networks
    In: B. Plateau, W. J. Stewart, M. Silva (eds.), Numerical Solution of Markov Chains (NSMC'99), Prensas Univerversitarias de Zaragoza (1999) pp. 149-168.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Hierarchical Structuring of Superposed GSPNs
    IEEE Transactions on Soft­ware Engineering 25 (2) 1999, pp. 166-181. (Pre-version in Proc. of the 7th Int. Work­shop on Petri Nets and Per­for­mance Models (PNPM'97), IEEE CS-Press 1997, pp. 81-90).
  • P. Buchholz:
    An Adaptive Aggregation/Disaggregation Algorithm for Hierarchical Markovian Models
    European Journal of Operational Research 116 (3) 1999, pp. 85-104.
  • P. Buchholz:
    Exact Per­for­mance Equivalence - an Equivalence Relation for Stochastic Automata
    Theoretical Com­pu­ter Science 215 (1/2) 1999, pp. 239-261.
  • P. Buchholz, M. Fischer, P. Kemper:
    Distributed Steady State Analysis Using Kronecker Algebra
    In: B. Plateau, W. J. Stewart, M. Silva (eds.), Numerical Solution of Markov Chains (NSMC'99), Prensas Univerversitarias de Zaragoza (1999) pp.76-95.
  • P. Kemper:
    Transient analysis of superposed GSPNs
    IEEE Trans. on Soft­ware Engineering, 25 (2), march/april, 1999.


  • F. Bause, H. Beilner:
    Intrinsic Problems in Si­mu­la­tion of Logistic Networks, Si­mu­la­tion in Industry
    11th European Si­mu­la­tion Symposium and Exhibition (ESS99), Erlangen (Germany), October 26-28, 1999, SCS Publishing House, pp. 193-198, 1999.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    A Toolbox for the Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Sys­tems
    In: N. Halbwachs, D. Peled (eds.) Com­pu­ter Aided Verification (CAV'99), Springer LNCS 1633 (1999) pp. 483-486.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Modular State Space Analysis of Distributed Sys­tems - Techniques and Tool Support
    In: R. Cleaveland (ed.) Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Sys­tems (TACAS'99), Springer LNCS 1579 (1999) pp. 420-434.
  • G. Graw, P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    Constraint-Oriented Formal Modelling of OO-Sys­tems
    In: L. Kutvonen, H. König, M. Tienari (eds.), Second IFIP WG 6.1 International Working Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Sys­tems (DAIS 99), pp. 345-358, Helsinki, June/July 1999. Kluwer Academic Publisher.
  • G. Graw, P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    Composing object-oriented specifications and verifications with cTLA
    In: Work­shop on Semantics of Objects as Pro­cess­es (SOAP'99), NS-99-2, pp. 7‑22, Lisbon, June 1999. BRICS Notes Series.
  • P. Herrmann, O. Drögehorn, W. Geisselhardt, H. Krumm:
    Tool-supported formal verification of highspeed transfer protocol designs
    In: 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Sys­tems-Modelling and Analysis, pp. 531-541, ATSMA, IFIP, Nashville, TN, USA, 1999.
  • P. Herrmann, H. Krumm:
    Formal Hazard Analysis of Hybrid Sys­tems in cTLA
    In: 18th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Sys­tems (SRDS´99), pp. 68-77, Lausanne, Oct. 1999, IEEE Com­pu­ter Society Press.
  • P. Herrmann, M. Noël:
    Formale Verifikation eines Reglers für Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschinen
    In: Tagungsband zum 9. Fach­ge­spräch Formale Beschreibungstechniken, S. 83-92, Mün­chen, HerbertUtz-Verlag, 1999. (In German)
  • I. Lück, M. Schönbach, A. Mester, H. Krumm:
    Derivation of Backup Service Management Applications from Service and System Models
    In: R. Stadler, B. Stiller (eds.), Active Technologies for Network and Service Management, Proc. DSOM'99, pp. 243-255, Zürich, Oct. 1999, LNCS 1700, Springer-Verlag.
  • M. Wimmers, A. Mester, H. Krumm:
    A Component Framework for the Configuration Management of Networks
    In: L. Kutvonen, H. König, M. Tienari (eds.), Second IFIP WG 6.1 International Working Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Sys­tems (DAIS 99), pp. 135-148, Helsinki, June/July 1999. Kluwer Academic Publisher.
  • P. Buchholz, P. Kemper:
    Numerical Analysis Techniques in the APNN Toolbox
    In: Proc. Formal Methods in Per­for­mance Evaluation and Application - Tool Descriptions, 1999.

Sonstige Ver­öf­fent­lichun­gen - Other Publications

  • F. Bause, H. Beilner:
    A short note on synchronization in open systems
    Petri Net Newsletter 57, 1999, pp. 9-12.

Forschungsberichte - Research reports

  • H. Beilner, F. Bause, (eds.):
    An­ge­bo­te und Ziele der Me­tho­den-Teilprojekte
    SFB 559, Bericht-Nr. 99010, 1999.
  • H. Beilner, F. Bause, H. Tatlitürk, A. van Almsick, M. Völker:
    Zum B-Modellformalismus - Version B1 -
    SFB 559, Bericht-Nr. 99002, 1999.