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Department of Computer Science

ASMo - Adaption of Stochastic Models

The construction of stochastic models requires the analysis and modeling of data using appropriate stochastic distributions and processes. Software support for this task is often fragmented across various tools and libraries. The ASMo tool consolidates this support into a user-friendly environment, simplifying the visualization, analysis, and fitting of stochastic models. ASMo is designed to be easily extendable and provides an open environment for integrating new methods.


ASMo v.0.3.0

ASMo is free software, released under the terms of the MIT License.
Run the following commands for Linux (python 3.11 or newer has to be installed):
If not yet installed, perform the following steps:

Update Package repo: sudo apt update
Install Python: sudo apt install python3
Install Pip: python -m ensurepip --upgrade
Install Python poetry: pip install poetry

Unzip the downloaded zip file  and

Install dependencies: poetry install
Run the application: poetry run asmo
Open a local browser instance and call: localhost

Falko Bause, Andreas Blume, Peter Buchholz, Alexander Puzicha and Alina Timmermann.
Adaption of Stochastic Models (ASMo) - A Tool for Input Modeling -.
In: Hillston, J., Soudjani, S., Waga, M. (eds)
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems and Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14996. Springer, Cham.     (Artifact of Software)

asmo (at)